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September 28, 2010


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Oh my, what a start to what sounds like a life changing experiance. I am not sure I would step foot on a plain again - well done you


You're braver than me, not sure I could've gotten on another plane. Good for you.


Plane? Fire? *Shudders* Loving these update Rosie x

Rosie Scribble

Thanks, Tara. Plane and fire - two words you never want to hear in the same sentence, that's for sure.

Rosie Scribble

Thanks, Erica. For a least half an hour I was't getting back on another plane, relieved I did though.

Rosie Scribble

Certainly a dramatic start to the trip. Not something I would want to experience again on a plane!

Preseli Mags

Arrggh - on the edge of my seat here. I've just read the last two posts and yet it's still only the beginning. What was the serial number of that plane again?


It's really good to read about your trip Rosie.

Planes scare the heck out of me so I'm really impessed you got on another one after your adventure!


You're very brave - I think I would have refused to go anywhere after that....So impressive that you took this trip.

New Mummy



I want to know more! You tease you...

Rosie Scribble

My words exactly!

Rosie Scribble

I know, I know! Tomorrow I will finally be talking about Africa!


Thinking of you brave lady, should be v proud of yourself x


Wonderful share,very inspiring! I hope, I can have a journey like this. Travel, see the world and look for hope in humanity.

Selina Kingston

I can't wait to hear more - I'm already in awe !


Bloody hell, woman!!
So glad you're safe x Looking forward to the next installment :)

Rosie Scribble

Thanks, Ella. I decided the statistics were on my side. Not something I would want to experience again though.

Rosie Scribble

Thanks Selina. Quite an adventure!

Rosie Scribble

Thanks Nickie, it certainly added an element of drama to the trip that I had not been expecting!

Jo Beaufoix

OMG Rosie. It still sends shivers down my spine that you went through that. Still catching up....

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